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Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
Edge House

Edge House featured on City of Seattle ADUniverse Website

ADUniverse was created to help streamline the ADU planning and permitting process in Seattle.

The City of Seattle launched ADUniverse in 2020 as a central resource for building accessory dwelling units (both attached and detached) on single-family lots within the city. The website includes a step-by-step guide, a property search feature that offers a preliminary assessment on ADU feasibility, and a selection of pre-approved detached accessory dwelling units (DADUs).

Bohlin Cywinski Jackson’s Edge House was selected as one of 10 pre-approved projects featured on ADUniverse. Envisioned as flexible and place-specific, the 432 square-foot dwelling accommodates a variety of parcels and neighborhoods while adapting to unique client needs and site conditions. The minimal design allows owners to balance distinct goals, skills, and budgets to invest in their property and cultivate community.

Read more about Edge House and ADUniverse below.